We are committed to fostering a community defined by dignity, respect, and a welcoming spirit. Our dedication to these principles forms the foundation of our collaborative environment, where every member of our community is valued and supported.

Commitment to inclusion and diversity

We are actively engaging with our students and colleagues to cultivate a culture where fairness, diversity, and equity are not just ideals, but realities that are woven into the fabric of our everyday activities. We are dedicated to the principle of social inclusion, striving to open pathways for all young people to envision themselves in roles such as mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. Our initiatives are designed to empower students from diverse backgrounds to realise their full potential and to ensure that all of our staff have the opportunity for advancement and success.

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA)

In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, EDIA principles are pivotal to our mission and activities. We believe that an inclusive academic environment enriches learning, drives innovation, and betters our global community.

Learn more and get involved

Read an overview of our university-wide equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) activities. Together, we continue to build a Faculty of Science and Engineering where everyone can thrive.

Get in touch with our dedicated team for more information.

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