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Science and Engineering Doctoral Academy

Building access

Instructions for accessing buildings within the Science and Engineering Faculty, divided by Schools and Institutes.

School of Natural Sciences


For building access, email and CC in supervisor. Email your request to

Out of hours:

Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. all the doors should open on approach.

Outside these hours, one pair of the inner and outer doors is locked, with a key, by House Services. This is because these doors have no magnetic lock fitted and would be a security risk through allowing intruder access.

The other pair of double doors (one inner set, one outer set) are secured by magnetic locks. When the emergency alarm activates, the magnetic locks disengage, but the doors do not automatically open when approached.
However, if these doors are physically pushed, they will open, so long as the magnetic lock has disengaged (i.e., the alarm is sounding).

Earth Sciences

  • Williamson building

    For building access, email your request to

  • Simon building

    Atmospheric Sciences PGRs only – please contact your supervisor and provide your name, ID number and end date, as written on your ID card

  • Michael Smith building

    FSE PGRs can only obtain visitor access to use the core facilities. If you need to visit the Michael Smith Building, please bring your ID card to the reception desk.



  • Alan Turing building

    For building access, requests must be supported by supervisor. Email your request and CC in supervisor to

    Provide your name, ID number and end date, as written on your ID card.


  • Schuster building

    Please complete the building's induction training, then email your request and CC in supervisor to

    Out of hours: Any PGR student requiring out-of-hours access will need to complete further training on Blackboard.

  • Jodrell Bank

    Email your request and CC in supervisor to Please include your ID number.

  • Alan Turing building

    For building access, requests must be supported by supervisor. Email your request and CC in supervisor to Please include your name, ID number and end date as written on your ID card.

School of Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Computer Science

PGR office space in Computer Science

All PGRs will be provided desk space in a shared office within the Department of Computer Science (typically PGR Home in the Kilburn Building initially). PGRs should contact their supervisor who will arrange an office location, coordinating with the Department’s room allocation team. In the event a supervisor is unavailable, or there are any problems, please contact the Department HoPGR for assistance.

Please note that in order to access Department buildings (Kilburn Building and IT Building), PGRs are required to complete the online Health & Safety Course. On completion of this training, PGRs should then request access (including out of hours access) via the online request form. 

The Nancy Rothwell Building and Engineering Building B

The Doctoral Academy is located on the 4th floor in the Nancy Rothwell Building, all Postgraduate Researchers will be required to take the following compulsory modules on Blackboard for access to the building:


Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Civil Engineering and Management


Dalton Cumbria Facility

Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

  • Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC)

    If GEIC access is required for your PhD research activities, it will be requested and organised by your academic supervisor. People who are given access to the GEIC are usually working on a collaborative project, where they will be given an induction and access to the GEIC for the required time needed.

Henry Royce Institute

Manchester Institute of Biotechnology

  • John Garside building

    For reception of Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, call (0)161 306 5200.

National Graphene Institute

  • National Graphene Institute (NGI)

    If NGI access is required for your PhD research activities, it will be requested and organised by your academic supervisor.

Photon Science Institute

  • Alan Turing building

    For building access, email and ask when the next building induction is. Required paperwork will be sent out following the induction.

    Provide your name, ID number and end date, as written on your ID card.