Presentation regulations
The University of Manchester has produced regulations on the presentation of a thesis for examination.
The Doctoral Academy may refuse to accept a thesis for examination that does not conform to the Presentation of Thesis policy.
COVID-19 impact statement
As acknowledgement of the disruption that the coronavirus pandemic has caused, PGRs who wish to make their examiners aware of the impact COVID-19 has had on their research may prepare an impact statement for inclusion with the examination copy of their thesis. Examiners will be asked to take these impact statements into account when assessing the thesis, and PGR, at viva.
Details on what is required in the statement and how to include it in your thesis have been added to the Presentation of Theses Policy (section 6.3) but please also refer to the guidance document, discuss this with your supervisors and contact the Doctoral Academy if you have any further questions.