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Science and Engineering Doctoral Academy

Appeals, complaints and discipline

Appeals and complaints are overseen by the Division of Teaching, Learning and Student Development, and conduct and discipline of students is overseen by the Division of Campus Life, within the Directorate for the Student Experience.

Academic appeals

The University of Manchester has an academic appeals procedure for students who wish to appeal against a final decision of a board of examiners, or a progress committee, or a graduate committee or equivalent body which affects a student’s academic status or progress in the University.

The University of Manchester operates a three stage process, in line with the OIA’s good practice framework:

  • Stage One (Doctoral Academy)
  • Stage Two (Faculty)
  • Stage Three (review stage – central Teaching & Learning Delivery team).

If students remain dissatisfied when internal processes are complete they may be eligible to complain to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).

Stage one

A student thinking of appealing should discuss the matter with their academic adviser, supervisor, Head of PGR, or other appropriate person in their Department, in order to better understand the reason for the result or decision against which they wish to appeal.

If the student wishes to proceed to Stage One appeal, they must complete the Stage One appeal form within 20 working days of receiving their results/decision letter. Details and a link to the appeal form will be included in the letter.

If the student is not satisfied with the Stage One appeal outcome, they have the opportunity to submit a Stage Two appeal to Faculty, details of which will be included in the Stage One appeal outcome letter.

Further support

Support for students navigating appeals, complaints and misconduct processes:

Student complaints

Reg XVIII is The University of Manchester's procedure to deal with complaints from students. Complaints provide useful feedback information and, where appropriate, are used to improve services and facilities.

The University currently defines a complaint as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about the University’s action or lack of action, the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the University’ or unacceptable behaviours as defined by the Policy on Dignity at Work and Study.

The procedure is designed for complaints in respect of the student’s experience at the University related to the provision of programmes, or parts of programmes of study, services or facilities by the University, and/or the actions or lack of actions by the University or its staff.

Complaints, both informal and formal, should be made as soon as possible, and in any case within eight weeks of the events or actions (or lack of actions) that have prompted the complaint.

Further support for students regarding complaints: