Doctoral Training and Development Support Fund
The Doctoral Training and Development Support Fund is available to postgraduate researchers in the Faculty of Science and Engineering to facilitate conference attendance or support further training and development.
This competitive fund is open for applications to support:
- Cross-sector collaboration and engagement.
- Facilitate meaningful connections that contribute to future collaborations and research partnerships.
- Equip PGRs with valuable skills and knowledge to excel in their research and future careers.
- Enhance research capabilities and knowledge transfer.
- Facilitate a culture of continuous learning and development.
Awards will be made up to a maximum of £500 and can therefore contribute to overall costs of a conference or training that may cost more in total than £500.
Decisions will be based on eligibility and justification provided in the application form via the link provided below. If the criteria outlined below are met, applications will be considered by a panel, and the outcome will be communicated by the Doctoral Academy following the application deadline.
Bookings should be made via the relevant School Operations team and payment from the Doctoral Training & Development Support Fund will be transferred directly to RTSG accounts. To ensure a swift payment procedure, please ensure all required fields are completed in the application form.
Following attendance and participation at the designated event, you will be asked to complete and submit an evaluation form to (this must be submitted within 1 month of the event at the latest).
- This scheme is for PGRs who have not previously presented a poster or talk on the topic of their PhD research at a local, national, or international conference (excluding internal UoM conferences).
- All eProg milestones should be completed and up to date – or provide justifiable grounds for late completion.
- For PGRs in submission pending the conference or training must take place prior to their submission deadline.
- The application must be approved prior to the PGR attending the conference or training.
- Retrospective applications will not be considered.
- The fund does not support research or research associated costs (e.g. costs towards a placement that is for generating thesis data should not be eligible but a placement that is an internship for professional development can be eligible).
Assessment criteria
Applications will be prioritised as follows:
- Applicants who do not have access to a conference/travel or training budget through an existing studentship or sponsor arrangement.
- Applicants must demonstrate evidence of applying to an external body to cover some of the associated expenses or show a clear plan in place to apply for external funds (this is a mandatory requirement for conference travel requests). Please note inclusion of money from RTSG fund does not count as external funding application.
- Applicants who have not yet presented at an external conference.
- Applicants who have research and training needs that are not currently covered by the UoM Researcher Development Team.
- Applicants who are in years 2 or 3 of their research.
- Applicants who can demonstrate that the conference or training will have additional benefits.
- Applications where there is strong academic support regarding the quality of the presentation/data or the standing of the conference in the discipline.
- Applications where there is strong academic support regarding the quality of training as an industry benchmark.
- The Doctoral Training & Development Support Fund can be applied for a maximum of twice, throughout the duration of programme.
How to apply
This fund is now closed
- Submit the Doctoral Training & Development Support Fund Application Form.
- Submit in accordance with the advertised deadlines and prior to attendance at the conference/training.
- Include a statement of support from the supervisor that outlines the standing of the conference/importance of the training and the relevance to the PGR’s research.
- Include evidence of applying to an external body to cover some of the associated expenses or show a clear plan in place to apply for external funds (if applicable). This is a mandatory requirement for conference travel requests.
Please note that it can take 7-10 working days to acquire approval, and a further 7-10 working days to assist with travel and accommodation bookings. PGRs are advised to apply well in advance of their intended travel.
Eligible expenditure
- Awards will be made up to a maximum of £500 per successful PGR and normally limited to one per academic year
- Conference registration fees
- Training and development attendance fees
- Transport
- Additional carer support e.g. for children, family members or themselves associated with attendance at a conference or training event, such as conference nursery costs or travel costs for children or carers.
- Standard class travel
- Accommodation
- Visa application costs (conference purposes only)
All applications need to be fully costed with explanations for the funds required.
Application deadline
Applications for this fund are now closed. The next round will be announced in the 2025 / 26 Academic Year.
Claiming expenses
Where no RTSG is available, PGRs should contact: Expenses must be claimed in a timely manner and no later than the end of June 2025.
Non-completion of an Evaluation Form may lead to a rejection of any future Doctoral Training and Development Support Fund applications.
If you have any questions relating to the Doctoral Training and Development Support Fund please contact the Doctoral Academy.