Other funding information

There are several aspects of postgraduate research that you may need to take into consideration when thinking about funding your degree, including working while you study, and securing funding for disability support and childcare.

Here's some information on each one.

Working while you study

Some postgraduate researchers find it beneficial to work alongside their postgraduate research degree. It is advised that you discuss this option with a supervisor before taking any action in order to avoid part-time work negatively impacting your research. Additionally, your funding body may place restrictions on how many hours you are permitted to work. Check with your funding provider before taking up part-time employment.

Part-time work opportunities for researchers

One of the most common options for postgraduate researchers seeking part-time work is through a Graduate Teaching Assistant role, or through tutoring and demonstrating opportunities. To enquire about these opportunities in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, please contact the relevant department.

You can also find part-time work opportunities through the University’s Careers Service.

Visa restrictions

International students may have limits based on their working hours depending on their visa. The International Advice Team in the Student Services Centre can provide advice on working while studying.

Funding for students with disabilities

Postgraduate researchers with disabilities may be eligible for funding and support to assist them for the duration of their degree, such as a Disabled Students’ Allowance. This support can cover students’ needs such as specialist equipment and additional travel costs.

Find out more via our dedicated webpage for funding for students with disabilities or by emailing disability@manchester.ac.uk.